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Table of Contents

  1. Lines—lines on pictures. They tend to lead eyes to a subject. 

  2. Texture—Texture is what gives a picture sound, taste, smell, all sorts of senses.

  3. Rhythm—rhythm is repetition in a picture. Can give a nice beat to it.

  4. Color—hue (tint) and saturation (amount) and luminosity (brightness)

  5. Tone—Contrast between light in an image and dark in an image. Sometimes more light or more dark will make an image better.

  6. Space—Blank areas in your image. Can give more emphasis to your subject.

  7. Balance—Having the same or about the same number of objects on both sides of an image.

  8. Depth of Field—How much a picture is in focus.

  9. Perspective—The way you take an image. Different perspectives can be created.

  10. Point of View—point of view is how you took an image. Did you take it eye level? Or above your head? Crouching.

  11. Framing—What and what not to include in your image. So you take out distractions.

I feel like this image has the most foundations of art put into it. With the exception of framing.
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