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Color is the color of a picture, duh. But seriously, it makes a picture even better. But do not put in too much color, otherwise the picture will look like a cluster of a bunch of colors. And too little colors will make the picture look boring. Just the right amount of color will make the human eye appreciate the picture even more. Now, there are three parts of color. These are hue, saturation, and luminosity. Hue is the tint of a picture. Saturation is the amount of color. And luminosity is how bright the colors are. There should not be too much or too little of these. 
You can just tell that there is color in this picture. Personally, I like more intense amounts of color at times. Some people may like it with less colors. I just know that there will be people who look at this picture and will either say they love it or they hate it.
You can straight out see the color in this picture. There were a few edits here, just took out distractions like trash on the floor and changed the lighting. I snapped this picture quickly and got this as a result. It was actually mid-day and as you can see I changed the lighting to make it look like the sun is setting. This is what color can do. This is one of my favorites by the way.
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